
I posted photos of my first drawloom warp (currently on loom) in 'my projects' (cottageweaver).  There are photos of the Glimakra loom with Myerhed shaft draw.  Next up for this warp: samples of an antique bee motif for Early Manuscripts Study Group in Complex Weavers.


I have the Myerhed combination, but just set up the Ideal with the extension and shaft draw a couple of months ago (with lots of help from Becky Ashenden and Joanne Hall - thanks for both).




Joanne Hall

Your piece on your page does not look like a beginner's piece.  It looks really nice. 


Sara von Tresckow

Nicely done. Nice clean loom setup. You should not need to make any adjustments for your next warp.



Thanks for posting the great photos. Not only is your weaving beautiful, but the pictures really illustrate the advantage of having the full extension for drawloom weaving. Now I'm reconsdering trying the drawloom with just the block.



cottageweaver (not verified)

Thanks for your comments!

I added the project details and another photo showing the damask pulleys for 4-shaft broken twill.