Hi-I'm new to this site and new to tapestry weaving as well. In fact, so new that I haven't even ordered my loom-but I've only just made my decision about which to order. I will be getting an Archie Brennan Copper Tapestry Loom-I read Tommye Scanlin's recommendation, which, in itself,  is good enough for me! I've also read just about everything else on the web about it too!  

I am so excited to finally be following my dream of being a fiber arts designer. Although I am a spinner, knitter, crocheter, embroiderer, needlefelter, painter and digital artist, my desire to create and interpret my  painting and digital art into fiber art is still strong after all these years.  My story is a long one, best saved for later perhaps. Fortunately, I am now in a position to run with my dream and I am really excited about it.  I have quite a gallery of digital art that I am going to use for many of my pieces and that is going to keep me busy, probably for the rest of my life!

I just want to say what an inspiration this site is and all of the artists on it.  I am looking forward to learning as much as I can about tapestry, taking some classes and just getting downright creative with the process!  Looking forward to getting to know many of you and sharing my work in the future!

Happy Weaving~Pam


tommye scanlin

Hope you'll find many happy years in tapestry ahead of you.  By the way, I have a blog called Tapestry Share; don't know if you've come across it yet.  It's at http://tapestryshare.blogspot.com One of the posts describes setting up a copper pipe loom... a link to that is at the left side of the blog.

You might want to check the books for tapestry that's at the American Tapestry Alliance website... I posted a link to that recently.  American Tapestry Alliance website is a wonderful resource throughout.  It's at http://americantapestryalliance.org

Again, welcome!

Pamela Hunt

  I am already enjoying your blog-love that you are right up the road in Dahlonega-I was just in your beautiful little town last week for a retirement seminar! I will definitely check out the resources on the American Tapestry Alliance website!  





Welcome Pam! With all your enthusiasm I'm sure you'll really enjoy Tapestry. It's so satisfying to see one's own designs come to life! I've found the Tapestry list here an invaluable resource , very helpful, so chime in with your questions! Can't wait to see your work. Don't forget to post!

Pamela Hunt

 I appreciate the welcome and will definitely be on here a lot with a lot  of questions!!  I'm really excited to get started....should be around the first of May when I have everything!

