The first regular meeting of the Fiber Guild of the Savannahs will be held this coming Saturday, Sept. 11th at 10am in the Fiber Room at Armstrong Atlantic College.  JoAnn Moss will be teaching us how to create a Fabric Covered Box to keep assorted fiber related goodies. We welcome guests and new members of all ages, fiber techniques and abilities!  Check out our guild website to learn more...



claudia (not verified)

Hey Suzy,

How about adding this to the new Workshops and Classes forum which is here.

suzyhok (not verified)

The Fiber Guild of the Savannah's is participating in a modified Sheep to Shawl on Saturday, March 24 10am to 4pm at Oatland Island Wildlife Center near Savannah. Come see the sheep shorn, natural dyeing, spinning, weaving and lots of other fiber related activities.

Michael White

I know they are looking forward to having their coats removed as hot as it has been. Have fun enjoy.


suzyhok (not verified)

Come on down Michael... The azaleas are in full bloom and SPECTACULAR! ...Suzy