Additional Source Info
<p>This threading was from a color gamp that I did over the summer, but I looked through all of my books to get the threading and I don't remember which book this one came from.&nbsp;&nbsp; I'll keep looking and update this posting when I find it.</p>


B P (not verified)

Sally, thanks so much for posting this draft. I really like the threading and the resulting design.


SallyE (not verified)

Note that treddles 17 and 18 are just a tabby tie up.   I use that at the beginning and end of the weaving to get something I can turn under or hem when sewing.



<p>Color changes based on Fibanacci secquence:<br />1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. for a total repleat of 143.<br /><br />Threading repeat is 16, and 16 * 9 = 144.&nbsp;&nbsp; This requires the last element of the Fimanacci sequence to be 56 instead of 55 - a small "cheat."<br /><br />Width is therefore multiples of 144, or 144, 288. 432, 576, 720, etc.</p>

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Publication Date
Source Title
Sorry, I can't find where I got this threading from. It was from a book
This Draft is from