I inherited my grandma's home-made rug loom, modeled on a Union 36.  I'm putting on new warp for the first time, after weaving a few rugs because I want new warp colors.  I was dismayed to discover eye hooks in each of the sections--there are 20 warp ends tied in each section (see photo). 

Nothing in the (sketchy) instructions I have talk about the eye hooks.

I'm concerned that these hooks will make lumps causing the warp tension to be uneven.  Has anyone else seen these??

Thanks for any info you have for this novice rug weaver.


SallyE (not verified)

I've never seen this and I do think they might mess with your tension.  But it wouldn't be that difficult to get around.  You can either remove the eye hooks, or go to the hardware store and get two dowels the length of the warp beam.   The diameter of the dowels should be equal to or a little larger than the amount the eye hooks stick out.  Lay the dowels on either side of the eye hooks the length of the warp beam and just warp over the top of the eye hooks, the dowels and all.   I'm assuming that the eye hooks are in the same place all along the beam. 



I have a cord loop in each of those hooks and the warp is tied to that loop on my sectional warp beam. I had to ask too because I have an old but new to me loom and once I got the 500 million miles of old warp off I found those too.


Actually I have been planning on putting eye hooks on my Union 36.  I figure if I set them far enough down below the edge of the part of the beam that holds the dowels, they won't interfere with the warp.  As it is, looping the cords around the dowels causes uneven tension.