
What kind of equipment you invest in for dyeing depends on what kind of dyeing you plan to do after the class.  For my shibori I dye large batches of silk scarves, 600g -3000g at a time in large stainless steel kettles or my small dye machine.   Rignt now we are dyeing samples and I like to dye more than one at a time.  I use a constant temp. bath because that is what I have that can reproduce the machine cycle.

This is a water bath with a heater controlled by a theromstat.  Here is the control panel, sorry about the fuzzy pic. It has a on/off switch and a dial for the temp.  This bath can hold up to 8 beakers for sample dyeing. 

There is a time lag between when the bath reaches a temp. and the dyebath inside the beakers reach the same temp.  I previously used a canning pot and mason jars on a burner- this requires more babysitting  but is cheaper and readily available.  Tien uses an electric skillet with a temp. controller from honey processors, and others used steam baths or other electric cooking devices.  Some of these are pictured in the document attached to the class description which I am attaching here again.  You will need a thermometer to place inside the jars to measure the actual temp. of the dyebath.

This is something we can share and learn from each other.



pjdoney (not verified)

Karren, I am wondering if there is a difference that you are aware of with different brands of re-mounting tape.  Sometimes there is and other times, there's not.  I currently have not been able to find any of the varieties that you wrote about but picked up something that I assume would do the job.

One cooktop installed and heating in the studio and one very sick husband!  I'm kind of glad that I'm not cooking anything for a week...
