I am trying to decide which small floor loom to buy for classes.  It must fold up and I must be able to carry it.  On the web site, I see very little difference between the two.  Can someone who is more knowledgeable, enlighten me as to which is better (if one is even better).  Thanks.


Dena (not verified)

The wolf pup has an 18" weaving width, the baby wolf is 26".  The wolf pup is a direct tie (4 shaft, 4 treadle) although they do have an "LT" version which is a jack (4 shaft, 6 treadle).  They booth feel fairly sturdy, although the baby wolf is a bit more so.  If you get the stroller, the baby wolf stays folded better (the knobs on the side of the wolf pup don't really hold it together).   The wolf pup comes with this really cool "treadle tracker" which is a piece of wood that you slip into the frame with a clip that holds your notes.  If you want to look at your notes with the baby wolf, you need to get a high castle.  I find the treadles on the wolf pup a bit short...sometimes the cords on the fourth shaft slip either on or off when they shouldn't.  This doesn't happen with the baby wolf.  I can lift my wolf pup by myself, get it down a flight of stairs and in and out of my car.  I need help with the baby wolf.  And...the wolf pup comes with wheels while with the baby wolf, you need to pay extra for them (although they work much better once they're on).  I haven't noticed any difference in the size of the shed...both are great!