Well I need to reweave a few bands and hopefully 2 warp repp pieces to round out my portfolio of samples. I also need to choose what I will include as my project piece. I have a lovely shawl, which is a simple point twill, but a beautiful piece of my weaving. I also have 2 hoods made of the same point twill fabric. I could include all three of these as one project submission as they make a set. I also have a 16 shaft taquete pillow, the draft is from Tabby to Taquete, the design decisions I made were size, material, and colours. It is a more complex bit of weaving, but not so much my own design, thought the other pieces are not very technical in design.

Finally I could weave a rug for the kitchen, it  wuold't be large, so would likely only take a day or so to weave. I could also try to design something more artsy.

To me each option has a it's own wow factor, so I'm having a hard time deciding. What criteria would you use in choosing your project piece?