Hi everyone,


I forgot to bring my cloth beam tie on over the countermarche beam. Right now it's set to wind directly to the cloth beam without going over the countermarche beam first. I'm weaving a rag rug. Is this a serious problem? I have never done this before. Thanks. Jan


sarahnopp (not verified)

First, that is not an uncommon mistake. So you got that out of the way. Secondly, yes, it is kind of a problem. you want that tension the back beam provides. Luckily,  it is near one end or the other of the warp ends, soit is iseasy enough to fix- it just means retying, and potentially resleying.

Dawn McCarthy

Jan - are you talking about the knee beam or breast beam - most swedish style cm looms have removable beams so it is an easy fix, otherwise you will have to re-tie

Dawn - bloominloom.com


jj50 (not verified)

Thank you Dawn!

Yes, I mean the knee beam. For some reason I call that the countermarche beam. I haven't taken it out since I put the loom together 5 or 6 years ago and it never occured to me to just take it out and slip it under the cloth. Duh.



Yes, should just slip right off on some looms.

jj50 (not verified)

I fixed the problem last night right after responding to Dawns post. It took about 5 minutes. Such panic in the meantime!

Dawn McCarthy

Great!  Ask me how I know!




Ditto, it only takes once per loom. Focus is a good thing. Hurry is not.

sarahnopp (not verified)

Yay for easy fixes! 

jj50 (not verified)

Dare I say the fix was almost too easy - no cutting, retying, weird contortioning, and so on? :)


Ha! Treasure that feeling! The loom is thinking up the next weaver brain teaser for you!

jj50 (not verified)

Deb, this folows the brain teaser 3 weeks ago. My loom has 8S & 8T. The idea I had required 10 treadles so I could weave tabbly at the beginning and end of the piece. So I just tied two edge treadles tabby, then switched them to the pattern after weaving the tabby border. That worked well at the beginning, but the end of the piece was not so easy. My piece was the full width of the loom. With the cloth going over the knee beam and on to the cloth beam, the lamms were pretty much inaccessable to re-tie for tabby. My loom is smaller, without a side entry so this fix required contortioning. It just occured to me that it would have been much easier if I would have removed the knee beam. :)