I frequently get the question about lamms hitting each other.  I just recently tied up an 8 shaft weave with 8 treadles on a Toika loom.  I have done this before on a Toika loom, but it was good to be reminded how the Toika works.  Both setts of lamms need space to move and so they should be equidistant from each other and from the shafts and treadles.  On a Toika loom, you need to put the lamms at a good height, since there is more than one attachment place to choose from. 

Tying Treadles too high

The most common mistake for all  types of looms (not just countermarch) is to tie the treadles too high.  This gives you less space between them and the shafts, so there is less space for the lamms to move.   And it gives you less leg space.  So, if you have a problem, the first thing to do is to lengthen the treadle cords.  If the treadle is not touching the floor when you open a shed, then you have space to lower the treadles.

Size of your shed

The second most common mistake is to try to get a giant shed.  Not only is this not practical, but a large shed will make it hard to attain nice selvages when you are weaving.  It also makes it harder to treadle on a tight tension.  The shed needs to be about 1/4 to 1/2 inch taller than your shuttle where you put the shuttle into the shed.  If the size of your shed is not large enough, it might not be opening as far as it can open.  The opening of the shed can be stopped by lamms touching each other or touching the treadles or shaft bars.  Look to see if this is happening.

Making your shed larger

Heddles should be at least 10 1/2 inches long to get a large enough shed.  This will give you at least a 4 inch shed at the shafts and a 2 inch shed where you put your shuttle in.  Larger than this is not necessary.  Most shuttles are only 1 to 1 1/4 inch tall.   If the treadles are low enough and the lamms are equidistant from each other and the treadles and shafts, you should have a large enough shed. 

Any complications with sheds after you have the treadles and lamms at the correct height, would be a problem with the length of individual treadle cords.  If you have a copy of my book, Tying up the Countermarch Loom, read page 25 to correct your sheds.   But do this only after you know that your shafts, lamms and treadles are at the correct height.




Claudia Segal (not verified)

This is wonderful to have all this information here.  I often have my computer on while I am at the loom and it's so much easier to refer to this for help when I get  stuck.

So far, I have no had any problems with setting up my Glimakra Standard but I am still just using 4 shafts and don't anticipate going to 8 for a little while yet.  I have a tencel scarf on now and am planning a couple rugs after that.  The list of future projects is very, very long.

Thanks for putting this here for us to refer to and learn from you.


WEAVEblah (not verified)

Thank-you Joanne.  As I am soon to tie-up my 8 shaft countermarch loom, your technical advice is very timely.

goldenthreads (not verified)

Ok, I've got everything tied up--a 6-shaft reverse twill on my Glim 8S 60".  (threading and tie up from the first project in the book "Favorite Scandinavian Projects to Weave").  But, athough 3 of my treadles give great, even sheds, the other three have problems with the top lamms running into the longer bottom lamms, and then I'm not able to open the shed completely when depressing the treadles.  If I push the lamms around a bit they will go between each other and I get a good shed.  But I don't think crawling under the loom every 5th or 6th shot is very efficient!  :-)   I've tried to lengthen the treadle cords equally--but then I get an even worse shed.  None of the treadle cords are crossed. All the cords from shaft to lamm are even. My harnesses are balanced and hang in the right place with all the warp threads going through the middle of the eyes. Yay!  But what confuses me is that not all of the sheds create the same problem.   Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,  Cheryl

Joanne Hall

Hi Cheryl,

How long are your heddles?  The loom should have 11 inch heddles. 


goldenthreads (not verified)

Yes, they are 11".