Hi Everyone!  I'm having trouble finding information on what I'm experiencing and thought you all might be able to help.  I have a Leclerc Mira counterbalance loom, and despite all efforts to center the harnesses, they simply hang slightly right of center (about 1 inch).  There isn't much I can do to center them, since the harnesses are all hooked to the lamms and essentially their position is what it is.  

However, it's driving me a little crazy because I would like to center my weavings on the loom.  If I center the weaving with the reed/beater, it is off center with the harnesses and I end up with uneven numbers of heddles on the right and left of the mid-point.  If I center with the harnesses, my weaving sits about an inch off center of the overall loom.

I have looked at hundreds of pictures online of other people's counterbalance looms and see that some also seem to have the harnesses hanging right or left of center.  Is this by design or is there something that can be done to correct?  My harnesses hang closer to the side of the loom without the lamms.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!



Hi. Unlike jack looms, counterbalance looms can't really be adjusted well without a warp on. Put a warp on and see what you get.


Thanks, Shawn.  I have woven a few projects on this loom, and what tends to happen is that I center my warp with the beater and then once the warp is under tension, I have to move a few heddles on each harness from the left to the right side of center in order to have even tension.  I end up with my whole weaving about an inch off center to the right.  It works, but it seems incorrect and I'd like to do it right next time if there is a right way.  


Huh. Interesting. I use a cb loom with pulleys and horses so am most familair with that style.

Seems like an strange problem. I wonder if you tried left of center and if you had to move it it would be centered?


It may be an illusion from that camera angle, but it looks like your counterbalance beam, top heddle bar and shafts are not parallel to your front beam or your beater bar, which might indicate that they are out of level.  It looks like your counterbalance beam and top heddle bar are lower on the right side,  which could cause the shafts to drift off center.  Try putting a level on your counterbalance beam and see if that's the problem.

Just my 2 cents worth.


It may be an illusion from that camera angle, but it looks like your counterbalance beam, top heddle bar and shafts are not parallel to your front beam or your beater bar, which might indicate that they are out of level.  It looks like your counterbalance beam and top heddle bar are lower on the right side,  which could cause the shafts to drift off center.  Try putting a level on your counterbalance beam and see if that's the problem.

Just my 2 cents worth.


It may be an illusion from that camera angle, but it looks like your counterbalance beam, top heddle bar and shafts are not parallel to your front beam or your beater bar, which might indicate that they are out of level.  It looks like your counterbalance beam and top heddle bar are lower on the right side,  which could cause the shafts to drift off center.  Try putting a level on your counterbalance beam and see if that's the problem.

Just my 2 cents worth.


Thanks, norgard.  I think part of what you are seeing is that the beater is actually warped a little.  The right side turns toward the weaver a bit.  I believe this is likely due to decades of right-handed beating from the previous weaver(s).  But I will definitely try out a level and see if that is a contributing factor to the center issue!  Thanks!


Curious.  The very slightly off center shafts I would not see as a problem, but the warped beater I would very definately replace; it limits what the loom will do (plaids won't square).  Not sure why you have to have everything centered.  If you must center it, I would change the attachment point on the lamms.


Curious.  The very slightly off center shafts I would not see as a problem, but the warped beater I would very definately replace; it limits what the loom will do (plaids won't square).  Not sure why you have to have everything centered.  If you must center it, I would change the attachment point on the lamms.


Curious.  The very slightly off center shafts I would not see as a problem, but the warped beater I would very definately replace; it limits what the loom will do (plaids won't square).  Not sure why you have to have everything centered.  If you must center it, I would change the attachment point on the lamms.


Curious.  The very slightly off center shafts I would not see as a problem, but the warped beater I would very definately replace; it limits what the loom will do (plaids won't square).  Not sure why you have to have everything centered.  If you must center it, I would change the attachment point on the lamms.  If you work with a flyshuttle you set the warp 2"to the right of center.


Thanks for the advice!  I thought about moving the attachment point on the lamms, but it just seems like Leclerc must have had a reason for designing it this way?  I guess I don't need the weaving to be centered, but it just seems that it should be.  If the consensus is that nothing bad will come of weaving off center, that's what I'll do.

Joanne Hall

The red circles show that you don't have the cords symmetrical.  Making them so should center the shafts.

Also, take the beater apart.  Lay the beater sides on a very flat surface to determine if they are warped.  It is more likely the sides that cause the beater to beat crooked.  It probably does not cost very much to replace one of the sides.


Joanne Hall

If you look on the Leclerc website, you will see that the metal holders at the top of the loom should be different.  I would order the new ones that have two parts which hold the metal pin straight.



Thank you, Joanne!  I will try these suggestions out.  Much appreciated!