I have an Ullman loom, 4 harness 4 treddle Jack loom. Ullman  is out of business so I cannot get help from them. The cords going from threadles to harnesses go through holes, rather than pullies, and they were originally lined or topped with very smooth metal sorts of washers. Over the years these have gotten worn, have nicks,  etc and cut into the cords, wearing them out rapidly. I have to replace them often. I have tried finding new washers .but they are not exact and they still wear and cut the cords. Does anyone else have this problem with ullmans and if so, how DoD you fix it?



If you have trouble finding someone who knows about Ulmanns, perhaps if you post pictures of the problem we can help.  There are a lot of people here who work with old looms and their wear problems; perhaps someone not familiar with Ulmanns cans see a solution.