July 30-August 6, 2016

Milwaukee, Wisconsin


sarahnopp (not verified)

Hi Sally, Do you happen to have a link to the information about the event? Convergence is a pretty common name for conferences across many fields, so googling showed me nothing.


I live 25 minutes south of Milwaukee - I had better start saving now!

Here is the link.


This should get you closer


sally orgren

I was so excited about the location announcement and dates, a link didn't even occur to me! Thanks for picking up the ball Theresasc and Deb. 

Sara von Tresckow

I am the Wiscosin representative of HGA, I'd like to put in a statement and pitch to the upcoming Convergence Conference2016 in Milwaukee, WI - July 30 to AUg. 6, 2016

What is Convergence? It is a conference of fiber artists held every two years, produced by HGA (Handweavers Guild of America). The conference includes pre and post conference workshops, as well as workshops and classes of varying length during the conference. Since attendance is upwards of 1500 delegates, conferences are held in suitable convention facilities with adequate hotel and classroom space and are professionally managed by the HGA staff with help from local guiles and fiber artisans.

Who may attend? For conference and workshop registration, membership in HGA is needed. You can join at registation and receive "Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot" for a year with the membership. However, several exhibits and the marketplace are open to the public with a $10 day pass. (A two hour volunteer shift nets a free day pass.) Cost varies - while there are some package deals, selection of classes and seminars is a la carte so that delegates can pick and choose according to schedule and budget. Volunteers do not need to be HGA members.

In addition to workshops, classes and seminars there are member exhibits - fashion show, yardage, mixed media and small pieces. Special invited artists and lecturers are included in the conference. There are demonstrations, informal fashion shows and other activities in the vendor area. The vendor area is open to anyone wishing to show and market their fiber related wares and is a wonderful way to compare various fiber supply businesses and loom makers.

For those living within a days drive of Milwaukee (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa) it is definitely worth the trip. If you do not wish to stay for the entire conference, a day pass or single day seminar combination can be combined with your vacation plans in another part of Wisconsin or allow persons with limited vacation leave a chance to visit.

The plans for Milwaukee are in full swing - registration information will be available in late fall with the next issue of Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot and on the HGA website(www.weavespindye.org). To be placed in the information loop or to check out volunteer opportunities, there is a newsletter signup form or you can "Like" HGA on Facebook.


I'm maybe a little prejudiced, but Milwaukee is a wonderful place to visit and Convergence provides a great opportunity to see that we have more to offer fiber folk than strange yellow hats with holes in them.

Erica J

We are looking forward to Convergence! Though members who are looking forward to meeting TJ, please note Milwakee is only a few hours from Camp Grandma and Grandpa Jones, so he probably won't be there everyday! ;)