Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Straight Twill Threading Back heddle Front heddle 1 slot hole 2 hole slot 3 slot slot Lift pattern Front heddle up Back heddle up Both heddles down Diamond Twill Threading Back heddle Front heddle 1 slot hole 2 hole slot Start repeat here 3 slot slot 1 slot hole 2 hole slot 3 slot slot 1 slot hole 2 hole slot 3 slot slot 1 slot hole 3 slot slot 2 hole slot 1 slot hole 3 slot slot 2 hole slot 1 slot hole 3 slot slot 2 hole slot 1 slot hole Summary:This project is a 2/1 twill colour gamp, for the Rigid Heddlers intermediate Weave A Long. I am hoping that it will make a fun shawl. I've been wanting to weave my own shawl for years. I'm a bit of a shawl-oholic, so having some hand woven shawls will be nice. I'm assuming this will be the first in a series of handwoven shawls for myself and friends.

Project Notes:

Measure Threads 3 hours

Wind onto back beam: 1 hour

Notes: Options Twill sett recommended Halcyon 12-15 Yarn Barn

            15 EPI 2 10 epi heddles threaded for 2/1 twill

             Use threading drafts from <> and <>.

Heddles: 4 hours (3 if I hadn't redone half of the back heddle)!

Tie On:


 Project journal:

This project was a learning experience from two perspectives, I will learn a lot about colour interaction from the finished gamp. I also learned a lot about weaving with 2 heddle and particularly weaving a 2/1 twill on 2 heddles.

This project started as a huck lace sett at 12 epi. However I decided that I was most likely to use the rest of my shetland wools for re-enactment, so I decided to go with a 2/1 twill. That meant that I needed to figure out how to do a 2/1 twill on 2 heddles. Doing so was a rather long journey, but in the end I discovered that in doing so, I could sett the thread at 15 epi using 2 10 epi heddles, which is the appropriate sett for a shetland wool.

After rolling the thread onto the back beam, I noticed that I put the red in the completely wrong place! How did that happen, I know my colour wheel! Well I forged on threading the back heddle and now I'm winding the wapr onto the front heddle to get the threads in the right order. Then I'll wind them onto the back beam again before  threading the front heddle and beginning weaving! This is a slow process as the wool constantly sticks to itself and is not now the proper width on the back beam, from the change in sett. But slow and steady will win this race. So I will soldier on and hopefully be rewarded with a gorgeous colour gamp shawl that will allow me to plan many other cool shawls for re-enactment and cool fabrics for hoods and eventually.... perhaps a tunic gasp!

After a few deep breaths I was able to get all the thread rolled onto the front beam. So now all the threads are in the right order and the proper width for my colour gamp shawl!  I began tieing the threads onto the back beam this am, but still have a few groups to go this evening! after that it’s just threading the front heddle, hopefully without error and weaving away!
 Pattern Notes:



Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit