Benjamin Krudwig is a crochet and knitwear designer from Colorado who also spends much of his time spinning and weaving. Benjamin is the founder and co-owner of Benjamin Krudwig Fiber Arts and Design, along with his wife who sews project bags for knitting and crochet. Benjamin spends his time during the week running the social media program at Schacht Spindle Company. Benjamin shares his extensive knowledge of color, fiber and weaving with our blog readers

How does color play a role in your weaving projects? Have you tried experimenting with color? 



I decide on what I want to weave and then my next thought is color. An article about how to weave an ombre fabric got my attention today. I always highly admire the projects I see in neutrals. I think, "Next time I will try this." But, when I go shopping, the warm colors grab and hold my attention.

I have been thinking recently about how color identified a person's social status during history.


First I think values then I think colors. I was taught this a long time ago, in Jr. High, when I was taking drawing lessons. I was just reading recently about a Tapestry artist and she used a familiar quote " Value does the Work, Color gets the Credit."  

Value is a great organizer to provide a relationship between all parts of a piece. After all the lights and darks are established , hues and saturations then can be put in.

that's how I like to do it:)


Erica J


I love your quote. I am trying to think of value first and color second. I almost got there with my Chairman's Challenge, but I left black sneak in with the lighter values. I was able to use an in between value of grey for the weft, but next time I do want to keep a similar value in th eentire warp. :)