I reached tge half way point last night!!

Although it has taken me 3 years to get to this point. I have several things to choose from.for the project piece and I've built enough momentum I plan to submit this summer! 

Where is everyone else?

How are your studies going. I really do feel it is more about the journey than the end portfolio!



Good for you Erica! It is more about the journey, though you do end up with a nice body of work too:)Great that you're going to submit this summer, that's exciting! I wish I could be there ! Good Luck !


Erica J

Thanks Cathie,

I have learned a tremendous amount so far! I was fairyly comfortable with warp faced tablet and inkle weaving when I started, and I'm pretty much finishing up with that, which is one of the reasons I'm confident I can finish the last 15 samples by June.

I'm really looking forward to being abke to share all my weaving with the entire Weavolution community again. The hardest part about this whole thing is keeping the samples to just this, albeit wonderul, small group!

I have made a schedule  at various different stages, but this is the one I'm most confident about keeping, the rest were more ideas about where to progress next. ;)

Erica J

I finished my bound weave sample today!

That leaves me only 14 samples to go! I am down to the weft faced samples that are going to take the longest, but the warp faced samples shoukd go really quickly!

I am still learnjng, which is the key! ;)


Awesome! Awesome! I think Boundweave is fun and has such potential for color!

good Luck to you:)


Erica J

I've adjusted my studies a bit. I realised I will be traveling quite a bit over the next month or so and the weft faced studies I have left are not really portable and will be time consuming! I have 5 weft faced samples left, so I will focus on one of those techniques a month and will be designing for my warp faced samples this week. As most of the warp faced samples will inke weaving, I will be able to take these along on our travels. 

It still looks like I will have done an appropriate amount of studying and weaving to be able to submit in June!

I have one great overshot sample already, but plenty of warp left to do some other studies, so I'll have a selection to choose from, and so many ideas of what I can do with overshot now! :)

How are you all doing?

Erica J

Whew, I took 2 overshot samples offthe koom this week. I still need to wet finjsh them and put togehther the paperwork, etc. I used cats tracks and snails trails with  ith star and rose fashion treadling. I knkw the difference in my hewd now, but I'm not quite sure I could ide tify whuch treadling was used in someone else's weaving just yet.I am so glad overshot is on the CoA syllabus. I have never been interested in it before, but did find it exceptionally relaxing and fun to weave!

I made my final decisions for my goleen headed lion inspired soumak piece and hope to weave it over the holidays, while my mother in law is having grandson time!

Where are you all at?!


Happy Holliday weaving to you and others , hope it's productive and fun!


P.S. I loved the Overshot samples too! Doing them took the mystery out of them, and I love the patterning :)

Erica J

I'm also looking forward to playing with that as weft faced as well. Must review that chapter in Tabby to Taquete.

Erica J

Here is one if my warp faced samples.

You can probably tell I'm weaving while watching the tele at the moment. :)


Erica J

I'm in the singke digits!!!! I onky have 9 samples left to weave! I will probably reweave a few of the ones I have done already, but if I stick to my schedule I will have 3 months to put the portfolio together and reweave samples!

I am so excited! I have found this group very motivating for staying close to  my schedule. How about you all?


"I'm really looking forward to being abke to share all my weaving with the entire Weavolution community again. The hardest part about this whole thing is keeping the samples to just this, albeit wonderul, small group!" I totally feel this!

Deadline August for the COE, the US version. I have 22 of 18 samples done.. so it'll be down to the wire I'm afraid!



Erica J

I know you can do it, Marie!

I have 8 left and need to decide what my production piece will be. Ihave several things I would be happy to use, so it is difficult to decide.

The sample I finished today is a 2:1 pick up inkle band Daryl's Cyber Fiber class is excellent! http://weavolution.com/node/25974

Erica J

Another one in the books, as far as weaving goes! I finshed my soumak sample today. It is a bit more 80's in the end than I had envisioned, but it's my first piece inspired by an animal. I think the soumak does give it a fluffy feel, which works.

I technically have 7 more samples to weave, but a I'll probably be weavin a different balanced weave sample in chenille and maybe reweavin a few of the earlier samples it's probably more like 10. There will be much less pressure after these 10 are done though. 

I also finished the soumake sample and opened right up to some great inspiration for my pile sample. I had thought I wuold do twining next, but I'm going to strike while the iron is hot on the pile weaving. 

In Woven treasures Lamb uses a soumake border, what do folks think about this. I'm not sure my design lends itself to a border. I should probably take a look at Collingwood for information on weaving pile selvedge to selvedge.


I wove it selvedge to selvedge. But I did use the figure 8 border on the soumak

Erica J

Loopmpilecsample finished today!!! Only 5 samples left and tgere is a slight possibilty I will finish another sample this week!


Well it's about to get very real around here. I sent in my application on Monday.  I'm just finishing up my 25th sample, and working through the laces. 15 to go after this one. By end of summer. After lace I'll do all the doubleweave samples.


Erica J

How exciting Marie!!  I look forward to hearing how you last samples turn out!


The lace is being challenging. It's a big recalibration going from weft faced wool weaving to linen... and I've woven a lot of linen. I think I'm finally getting the beat right!


Erica J

I am down to only 3 or 4 samples! I need to look back over my warp faced samples. I can't remember if I have 8 or 9 done.

I was dreading the hand manipukated weftvfacwd samples, so I left them to the end. They do take time, but once you get into a rhythm they do really speed up.

So for February, I will be finishing these up and prioritising mounting and assessing if anything needs to be rewoven.


When are yours due? I'm up to 26 out of 40. Getting there and I have until August sometime. Working through the laces. Currently on Bronson, with every other thread on the same shaft,  woven 1 against 3, in linen, on a counterbalance loom, and they said it couldn't be done. I feel like a weaving ninja.

Looking forward to seeing the single digits!


Erica J

Don't you lovenall thosenweaving myths!? Haha.

I submit 9 June. So I still have time, but don't want to have to rush putting together the portfolio, etc.

Erica J

I'm about back to where I was when I realised the other sample was too narrow. I do not think I will finish this today, but probably this week.

I guess it is going to be sideways. 


Erica J

This is getting real! I have my Candidate ID number! I have my 3 binders put together with all the woven pieces thus far and only 4 samples left to weave. I have decided to try out about another 4 warp faced weaves, so I'll likely end up weaving 8 more samples at least before I finalize the portfolio, but still very close!

I have a variety of things to chose from to use for my project piece, but I am heavily leaning toward the taquete pillow I wove last summer. This decision will probably come down to whether I finish my next planned damask and samitum pieces before the assessment.

Erica J

1 down, three to go! Well probably 7, as I have some more warp faced samples planned and then will chose the top 10 for my portfolio. But if I weave the samitum and 2 more warp faced samples, I will meet the requirements.

My assessment is not until June, so after the next 3 samples, I will be onto reweaving/further exploration until I have to make my final choices. I have quite a bit of the portfolio put together, I just need to print out my notes and drafts and decide how to organize those along with the mounted samples. I am thinking about putting the notes and drafts in page protectors, but then the question is which one should face the sample, the notes or the draft?

Erica J

I have enough samples that I technically only need 2 more warp faced samples. I plan to weave at least 6 more samples to have a better variety. Most of the extra samples will be warp faced, right now I have 2 each of 4 techniques and will hace 2 each of 5 techniques when I finish the 2 warp repp samples.

Although, I am glad to be looking at the tail end of the weaving right now. I really have enjoyed all the weaving I've done for my portfolio. I don't look at anything I've woven for my certificate and think "I'm so glad I never have to weave that again!" The only draw back is not being able to share the samples with the "world" yet! Cross your fingers that come mid June you see a barage of projects posted to my profile! :)

How much fun are you all having weaving?

Erica J

I technically have enough samples now, which fulfill the requirements. But I still want to weave the warp rep sample I planned. I also want to go back and play with weft faced twill, soumak, chaining and pile weaves again. So I probably still have about 6 samples to go!

How are you all doing?!


Congrats! I am on my second sample!! I have a long way to go....

Erica J

You have an ejoyable road ahead. What sample are you working on right now? Are you working through in the order they appear in the syllabus, or have you started somewhere else?

I really enjoyed my exploration of the straight draw threading and will be going back to that on an 8 shaft straight draw soon!


I am doing the 5 sett samples- pretty easy. I am starting with the easiest things for me and will work my way up. I have done the color blanket, but didn't like the way the selvegdes look with the color changes. I think I have a good way to handle that now, with the help of people on Weavolution!

I think the nest easier projects for me will be warp pick-up and tapestry.  We'll see how it goes....


Erica J

Hmm the sett samples sound intriguing, I need to go back and look at the CoE syllabus. :)


Just stopped by, way to go Erica :) I can't wait to see your portfolio !

Ingamarie, I imagine you're on efficient high speed mode, I remember it well ! I actually produced some of my best work during that time :) you're going to make it!

Dmalhert, you have excellent company showing you the way :) 


Erica J

Yes, I think the hardest part ahead of me is going to be choosing my project piece. I already have sevearl things woven I can choose from, just need to make a decision and put together the notes on the chosen project.

Erica J

I learned a lot about what not to do with warp repp yesterday. Mainly when designing your blocks keep in mind your sett, especially if the sett is 36 epi. A block one set of threads wide is only an 1/18the of an inch!!!

Erica J

Well I wasn't happy with my intial weft faced twill sample, I rewove that one yesterday. I started on reweaving my soumak sample I am much happier with the new soumak design, but it is not soumake all over. It is using soumak as a texture for a very specific purpose. Since the CoA says that portfolios are assessed based ont the candidate's interpretation. In looking back at the intent of these samples to use textural techniques I think this will be OK.

It looks like I still still a few more warp faced samples as well, but still have 2 months until the assessment, so I should be fine.

Erica J

I rewove my weft faced twill and soumak samples this week. Both are now woven, but I forgot to take pictures!!! Those will have to follow next week. Sorry. :)

Erica J

In the last week, I have woven another 3 weft faced samples. I am really pleased with how the twill (bottom) and soumak (right) samples turned out. I'm not 100% sure if I will use the chaining (left) sample over my twining sample, we'll see. Anyway here are the 3 samples before wet finishing.

Erica J

I got some good feedback on the presentation of my portfolio today and I've wet finished my rewoven weft faced samples. I'll mount them tomorrow, but will still need toget the notes ready to print, etc. I will hopefully finish reweaving my pile sample this week and then I can focus on finishing my warp faced samples. 

My plan has always been to choose my project piece from all the pieces I've woven already, but I keep cmoing up with ideas for new projects too. The good thing is I can always start on the other projects, if they get done then I can choose one of those, if not I already have 4 project pieces from which to choose.