I just finished my first clasped weft rug and am delighted with the visual, but I am disappointed by the lumps on the reverse side. I tried to place the yarns flat, but I guess it didn't work. My next thought is to maybe steam the areas and whale away at them with a rubber mallett to try and flatten them. Does anyone have suggestions on either the weaving part or flattening them now? I like reversible rugs.

I used Halcyon rug yarn at 4epi.

Can't figure out how to add photos here.




Hi Peg!

I have wanted to try clasped weft for a while and looking at your rug just got me all excited about doing it SOON!  I think your idea just might be what is needed.  Also, put a rug backing on the peice so that the lumps are not so noticeable when you walk on it.

Post what happens when you are done so that I can follow your lead.  I really want do make a rug like that now!




Peg R

It was fun to do, but slow. Dive in! I hope that someone has suggestions on how to avoide lumps, so it is reversible.

Peg R

As in my first message, I am still tying to find a way to avoid lumps in weaving a clasped weft rug. I checked Collingwood resources, but nothing...

Does anyone have thoughts?




Hi Peg R, I can't think of a way not to get lumps with clasped weft. You're joining the wefts and then the weft join is actually twisting to it's side, I think, as you're beating it in. a different join or no join ( that you sew up later) is what I suggest. check Collingwoods' book to see if they use a simple " meet and separate technique" for rugs ( I'm a tapestry weaver and am not an expert on rug joins! however, that said, clasped weft is a commonly used tapestry join). I would look for a different join. I would also call Halcyon and ask if they had a suggestion:)

hope this helps, the rug is pretty!  Cathie

MK Custom

I've successfully done clasped weft without lumps but was using block weave learned at a Jason Collingwood workshop, rather than a plain weave.  It creates a very thick rug that's reversible and doesn't show the joins when carefully placed.block weave sampler using clasped weft

sequel (not verified)

Just got back from a Collingwood workshop.  The lumps are unavoidable in plain weave and twill.  He had us clasp wefts under the paired raised warps in twill.  It was a twill rug workshop, after all!

Peg R

What trick did you use for turning the picks? Is there a special twist to the turn? I would think that whatever you did on the block weave might work on plain weave, too.

Peg R

Guess that answers the question, then. More twill rugs to come! Thanks.


I don't know how thick your weft yarn is but would it help to use two thinner weft yarns instead of one thicker one? I have woven clasped weft in the past using two 2-ply yarns that were around 850 yards to the lb.