I am making a cardboard loom to weave Samplers for testing colors or new techniques. When I cut the thread slots at the top and bottom of the cardboard, the tabs break off. I am cutting the slots 1/4 inch apart with a box cutter. For strength, the cardboard is cut from an amazon.com shipping box. Any suggestions?



Sue in VT

I used to attempt making some of these for my 4th grade students, but they were never strong enough.  Then I began purchasing them (a pack of a dozen less than $9) and they were densely made enough to last a good while before they bent.  Why not buy the bunch, you'll have cardboard looms forever, or go in with guild mates who want them.  


I did not know they could be bought. I will search the Internet.

I looked at the small Mirrix looms. They were too expensive for my needs. Another thing to try would be the picture frame with nails to hold warp threads.

stringbottom (not verified)

If you're wrapping the warp around the tab (making warp visible only on one side of the cardboard), then you will need very strong cardboard to hold the tension. Instead, wrap the warp around the entire loom—the back side will look similar to the front, but the warps will be on a slight angle.

If that doesn't make sense, think of it this way: on the front of the loom, bring the warp up through a bottom slot, then down through the upper slot directly above it, then bring the warp across the back and up through the next bottom slot, and repeat.

Or, go to an art supplies store and buy heavy, non-corrugated cardboard (artists board, mat board, etc.).


potholder loom to sample color combos or to see how different yarns work with each other. I have also go the picture frame and nail route too!

Hazel Fyrebird

With cardboard boxes, it might be better to cut appropriately spaced vertical slits to approximate the dents per inch you want to sample for. Then you'd finagle the warp into the cut. Without horizontal cuts, you'd be less likely to accidentally cut off tabs when trying to get, say, 12 or 15 dpi.

Hazel Fyrebird

Alternatively, try a WPI type tool



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Bad ASCII art to show the cutout. You'd have it be, say 5" square to start, then cut out a 1/2" deep cutout 1" from each end . So the inner weaving area would be 4" tall by 3" wide for the example, and the dpi would be determined by the# of wraps you do. Of course,  you'd have to wrap both front& back, but it'd give you 2 samples from the same warp.


I made the cardboard loom again and it worked. I used the recommended US Postal Service envelope. The other cardboard I had tried to use was cut from a thick packing box. The problem with it was it is corrugated cardboard. I had read and forgot not to use corrugated cardboard, even if it is rigid and strong.

I will consider purchasing one of your suggestions for a more permanent loom to weave samplers. I will be weaving a lot of samplers as a new weaver.

Weave 'n Spin

Amazon boxes that I've had are corrigated, and are very weak. Try mat board.