I'm wanting to make a shadow weave double the width of my loom.  For example I've attached a shadow weave I'd like to make extra wide.  It is 8 harness and I have a 16 harness loom.  So, I think there must be a way to do the double weave, but I don't know how to do it.  Is it possible, and if so how? Thanks!!!



On my webpage there is a tutorial of sorts, of how to make sure the fold will be correct - here. Hope it helps!


WeaveIt Pro demo on the PC will allow you to generate a double width draft. However, on the fold you add a couple additional ends that are removed once off the loom. This is done because of draw in when weaving, which would create a fold mark otherwise. A fold mark may not be a bad thing sometimes, but mostly you want a consistant look and not a crease. You have to think about how your weaving takes place to make the layers and it will become intuitive. Remember it's folded, so the draft is reversed on the bottom layer, and you have two sheds. Each open when the other is either drawn down or up.

Kerstin's site will probably explain this.

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

It is easier to visualize with a piece of paper. Sketch the chevron design of your shadow weave quickly across the paper. Fold the page in half. See why the draft needs to be reversed on the other face? Make sure the design continues across the fold so it looks nice in the middle. I add a few threads at the fold, just like Kerstin suggested.

Fiberworks has a double width tool. I have used Fiberworks since 1990 and have no way to know if double width is included in the free demo version. www.fiberworks-pcw.com

With shadow weave, you will have to watch the shuttle order. Double width is easier with a single shuttle weave. For double width, you'll use one weft for 2 picks: top, bottom. Change shuttles and weave: bottom, top. Change shuttles for the next 2 picks. Be very careful not to connect the two edges when you change shuttles.


Thanks everyone I'm going to get to work with your suggestions! Really appreciate the insight!