is not meant to be removed, is it? Or is it just on my loom that it is fastened with a bolt and nut (pretty inaccessible)? It occurred to me that threading the heddles would be a lot more comfortable if I could get closer to them... (I guess that's a question for Joanne, but if anybody else has an idea how to make threading easier, please do chime in!)



I have never seen a Glimåkra with a fastened breast beam.

I *have* seen looms (don't remember what make, if any) which *look* like they have bolts through the breast beam, but where the bolt is just a strenghtening of the "slot". The breast beam in q may have had an extra notch at the bottom to accomodate the bolt. (Does that make sense?)

(I also have a loom which sometimes requires quite a hefty bang to get the bb out of its slot - and to get it in again...)

Joanne Hall

Kerstin is correct.

If you cannot lift the breast beam out, maybe you have high humidity.  If you look carefully, the bolt Kerstin mentions is below the breast beam.  So try to lift the breast beam out.  If it does not come out, take out the wedges and wiggle the loom a little.

Does your loom say Glimakra on it?



You are absolutely right, and the breast beam does actually come out fairly easily - well, once I dared pull on it (I believe I've said it before, I've only borrowed the loom. So I saw the nut and bolt, thought the breast beam was bolted in and didn't even try removing it).

And yes, it does say Glimakra Made in Sweden on top of the beater (plus the loom looks exactly like the pictures I've seen, wedges and all). For the record: It is a very nice loom, and I'm liking it more and more the more familiar I get with it.