I've just resurrected my 48" Macomber from 10 years in storage and have almost gotten it all put together, but can't remember how to affix the two brake handles. Does anyone have a picture of these affixed to their Macomber? I have photos of my prior setup, but not showing the two handles. If I remember correctly, they are affixed on the right side of the loom as you face it from the front.


andsewon (not verified)

Are you talking about this? http://macomberloomsandme.blogspot.com/2010/03/mystery-part-number-one.html Connie

Michael White

The warp beam brake handle just fits over the shaft sticking out of the back right side of the loom. The cloth brake handle goes on the inside of the frame. You loosen the bolt on the left side of the cloth beam and remove the beam. The brake handle fits on the right side with the pawl faceing the rear. I will take a picture for you tomorrow. Connie just posted the web site for a picture of the cloth handle.


Michael White

Here are pictures of the handle. I added two 5/8" fender washers to keep the handle in place. In the normal position the handle hangs down under the loom. I added a screw to keep the handle were you can reach it. It would be nice if Macomber made this handle, I guess 4 inchs longer.



Rosemary Moore (not verified)

Connie, thank you so much for the pictures. Both handles are now on successfully!

Rosemary Moore (not verified)

Michael, and a big thank you to you as well! Your pictures and clear explanation are invaluable. And thank you for welcoming me to this group. I'm thrilled you all are available online. What a wonderful resource.

Michael White

Projects coming off the loom.
