Recently I visited a shop with hand woven rugs on display. The rugs used a braided cotton for the wefts. They were weft faced but not a lot of e.p.i. I have searched the Internet but can't find a source. Any ideas would really be appreciated!


sarahnopp (not verified)

Did you take down the name of the weaver who made the rugs? I would start by contacting them to ask what the weft is.


I did ask the lady tending the shop and she said that a lot of this type of weft was given to their guild. She wasn't very friendly after she found out I was a weaver.

sally orgren

and not a twined technique using cotton along the warp? (See Bobbie Irwin's twining book).

Where was the shop located? (Or what was the guild?) Maybe that would be a way to find out? A guild might be more friendly than the shop keeper, as they might be looking for new members.


Shop keepers have a vested interest in not having more competition. And preventing customers from going straight to the source.

When I was in Sweden on one trip, I visited a shop where there were hand woven textiles.  I asked if I could have the phone number of one of them whose work I particularly liked.  "Oh, she died."  Well, what about this weaver?  "Oh, she died."  

I tried to explain that I was a weaver from Canada and simply wanted to talk to some Swedish weavers, but apparently they had all died....  :^)




It looked braided and the lady said it was braided. It reminded me of a braided rope but colored and it seemed very flexible. It was a beautiful weft for the rugs. I will probably try to contact one of the weavers. I can start to do a search. It isn't in my area so it would be difficult to become a member.


Laura, T was quite an experience you had! It is hard to understand someone being so secretive. I suppose if my livelihood was based on my weaving sales I would feel different. It seems most important to pass on the knowledge so others can learn and there is oh! So much to learn. Thank you for your comments. If I find out anything I will post.


Yes, I was quite disappointed not to be able to connect with any weavers on that trip.  But on subsequent trips I have met weavers.  Thank goodness for the internet!  :)



jj50 (not verified)

RMYarns also has parachute cord: