I am a complete newbie and have never even touched a loom yet. In about 2 weeks I will be picking up my new (to me) Harold floor loom. It has a sectional beam. However, I am wondering if it is beneficial for me to learn warping with a board first, then move on to an AVL warping wheel or other set up later? Purchasing the supplies for sectional warping seems costly so I thought if it's better to hold off and learn with a board first, then maybe I should do so. Or is it worth it to just jump in and get the supplies now?



sequel (not verified)

Most Herald looms have convertible beams.  You just take the rakes off and turn them over for a one yard open beam, or remove them entirely for a solid beam.  Got pix?  If you show me yours, I'll show you mine ;-)

sally orgren

I'd suggest converting it into a plain beam for your first few warps and wind a few short warps to establish proficency in the basic warping steps. (With short warps, you really don't need the advantages of a sectional.)

Not that sectional warping is more difficult, but there is a bit more math involved to plan your warp, a few intermediate steps, and perhaps a few tips/tricks that will make more sense once you have wound a few warps.

As a beginner, there is going to be a lot to think about as you plan and beam your first project. I am all for keeping it simple and direct until a weaver gets confident with the critical steps to warping. 


As long as you wind your bouts the width of a section, there is really no reason you can't wind warp onto a sectional beam.  I do it all the time for shorter warps.

mrdubyah (not verified)

Every weaver needs to know how to warp with a board, lease sticks and reed or raddle.  Not every weaver needs to know how to sectional warp.  By all means, learn traditional warping first.  Then, when you're ready to start sectional warping, we'll still be here to help transisiton you to the dark side! 


Thanks everyone! Looks like I will learn with a board first and will pick your brains down the road when it's time to conquer the sectional beam!

Sequel- I don't have any good pics of the beam right now :( I will definitely post pics when I have it home and set up!