Beaded Silk Putting beads on a Kilo of silk is labor intensive work. I finally got a firm price from by supplier on my cost for the beading work. At this price I don't see myself selling very much beaded silk. But I will post it and see if anyone wants beads. So it would be the cost of beading work plus the price of the yarn.
  • Sequins - US $ 132
  • Beads - US $ 165
  • Crystals - US $ 198
The sequins, beads or crystals are put more on in such a way that they can be spaced as needed. Example: 20/2 spun silk, dyed (to your color) $100 + $5 ($5 Kilo for dyeing) $105 skeins $132 (Sequins, you pick the color) total $237 Kilo or $23.70 a 100 gram skein or $11.85 a 50 gram skein
$165 (Beads, you pick the color) total $297 Kilo or $29.10 a 100 gram skein or $14.85 a 50 gram skein

$198 (Crystals) total $303 Kilo or $30.30 a 100 gram skein or $15.15 a 50 gram skein. One more Maharaja silk 15/3Nm, dyed $145 + $5 total $150 skeins $132 (Sequins) Total $282 Kilo or $28.20 a 100 gram skein or $14.10 a 50 gram skein

$165 (Beads) Total $315 Kilo or $31.50 a 100 gram skein or $15.75 a 50 gram skein

$198 (crystals) total $348 Kilo or $34.80 a 100 gram skein or $17.40 a 50 gram skein
I did an online search for “Beaded Silk” and found the following: Beaded silk, you had to pick from one of their colors and did not have a choice of bead color, cost from $35 a 50 gram skein (hank) to $49.95 a 50 gram skein. I guess when you look at it broken out my $15.75 a 50 gram skein for beads is not a bad price. Go online and check it out for yourself. Like I say, I have the lowest silk prices online. This morning I sent out a price increase notice and I forgot to put the names on Bcc. I am sorry for that.The above prices are figured with the new prices, plus you have to add postage from Georgia, USA. Beaded silk, Minimum order is One (1) Kilo