I am just about finished with my backstrap project that appeared in Laverne's blog.  I have a question about the ends.

I have left 6" for braiding at the beginning and am almost at the final 6" for same.  How do I braid the warp ends without cutting them?  Here is what I referring to:  

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.



Aunt Janet (not verified)

Hey Claudia,

  You are using multiple threads.  You don't have to cut the ends.  Just keep the looped threads together in a braid bout.  If you needed individual ends, then you would have to cut.  I'm sure you will get it just as soon as you try.

Aunt Janet

weave2 (not verified)

If so, you've done a great job!  I still have to dip my toes into the water, so to speak.

bolivian warmi

as Aunt Janet says, each "strand" of your braid is actually two warps that end in a loop. (See photo below).

Braid as far as you can and then thread your backstrap cord through the handy loops that will be left at the end. I combined several warps to use as each "strand" of the braid so I could have nice thick braids.

Deanna (not verified)

congratulations on the band. I tried to weave on and it is too small, the yarn was too soft and created fuzz balls on the heddles. Not a good experience. I plan to try again. However I put a pebble weave on my four shaft table loom and did some great pick up designs from laverns pebble weave book.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Hi Deanna,

That's very cool about the pebble weave.  Is the project in your notebook?  I would love to see how it turned out.
