
bolivian warmi

Looks great Jeanne! Thanks for giving all your yarn info-this is exactly what we need so others in group know what to look for by brand name in the US.

Tying up to the weight bench sounds ideal.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Finally, I found a yarn that would not stick in the heddles! I tried 3/2 mercerized cotton, which I use on the inkle loom with no problems. No go! So I looked for a slick, 4-ply sportweight in the knitting yarns. Heddles are the same yarn as the warp.

I used a sheet of white paper cut to the proper width so that I could see when my selvedges were getting out of line, which they often did. My husband wasn't using his weight bench much, so I attached the loom to it. I need to sit in a chair, so it worked well.

I'm so happy that now I can try to catch up with all the wonderful projects LaVerne has shown us! I've been teaching myself inkle and have done some of the pickup patterns on it- but it is different from backstrap in many ways, so here goes....


Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit