Hello all,

You probably all know I am a fairly experienced weaver, but my mom taught me to weave when I was about 8 and other than that I've not had any actual formal instruction on terms of warping. I warp back to front and I'm not sure if I actually start threading on the "correct"/normal side or not. When warping back to front, I thread the loom and sleigh the reed from right to left, reading the draft from the starting point to the end. Is this the correct way? Or am I essentially threading the draft wrong.

I don't have any problems with my weaving as a result, but as I am getting more requests to teach new weavers to warp the loom, I want to make sure I'm teaching them the standard convention.




self-taught weaver and I warp back-to-front.  I also start threading on the right going left.  I am right-hand dominant,  so that is a logical and comfortable way for me to thread and sley.  Is there a right and a wrong way?  I do not believe that there is, for me it is what gets the warp dressed and weaving correctly on the loom - just my opinion. 


back to front and thread right to left. It's what I find most comfrotable.

Sara von Tresckow

Actually, you'll need to know how to do it three ways - from the right, from the left and from the center.

Sometimes a pattern threads more easily from one side than the other or there is an issue with the location of the loom that makes starting at the right or left make more sense. Handedness also plays a role in the comfort level.

When heddle placement is an issue such as with looms that have "center posts" separating right from left, it makes sense to begin in the center and work out to the edges.

I generally encourage new weavers to use all of the above to improve skill level. Sleying the reed can also be done in all three ways.


I think that is a good idea, Sara, and have sometimes wondered about it.  For me, I go left to right, as it feels right.  But I am going to try starting in the center on my next warp. 


I prefer to thread and sley from the middle to the right and then left; to make sure that excess heddles are balanced.  If heddles are not an issue, i like right to left.