Karren I can get the slides from your presentation, but don't know how to get the audio? There must be a button I'm overlooking but just can't see it!


Karren K. Brito

I've never been able to access the recordings at Webex, I don't think I got the 1st link and I only tried once.

Mary, can you help? or maybe Webex has a help section.

Mary Rios (not verified)

Karren, if you log into webex as Claudia, once in the weavolution site, on the left is a column with options. Just go to My Recordings. You should be able to send an email from that screen. I couldn't for some reason, so i just cut and pasted it for this post.



thanks Mary, I got to the link and listened thhis a.m. Thanks Karren for recording it. I have Polar red to dye and a few notations left,then off to the rather intimidating color wheel! Practice , Practice.