Hello all,

I've just spent the past month or two completely refinishing my four harness 40" Harrisville floor model. I've just measured out my first warp and am SO excited to get it on there, but lo and behold I've forgotten one major detail! Apron strings! 

I had taken off lengths of grosgrain ribbon that had loops cut out at each end, looped and stapled into the cloth and warp beam, which was the choice of the previous owner. There are no holes drilled through my beams. The research I've done so far suggests texsolv cords, but at this moment I can't afford to buy and ship a spool of that over to me up in Canada, plus I am impatient and want to get weaving now! 

Is re-doing the grosgrain and staples combination a good idea? Are there other materials I should consider? 


Thank you thank you



You can use any strong, smooth string you have. The thinner it is, the less of a bump it makes as it winds on the beam, which is why many people prefer cloth aprons, which leave no bump and no need for sticks to smooth out the bump.


I agree with the second half of  BWSD's post. Use an apron. It does a much better job of tie-on and is inexpensive. Hem one edge straight and the other edge scalloped. If the beam is wood, a staple gun will fasten the straight edge nicely—otherwise consider a contact/adhesive cement. When hemming the other end create a tube through which you slide a dowel, 3/8" should work. Tie-on to the dowel in the cut-out portions and you are easily done. I've seen some with intermediate cording which they can manipulate to even things out although I've never felt the need.