Hi all, 

I'm a new weaver (just finished up an 8 week concentration at Penland School of Crafts in NC), and I'm ever so addicted! I got home to the city recently and am already missing the lovely 8 harness macomber loom I worked on and grew to love. I am young, moving out of my apartment soon, and... for countless other reasons not in a position to buy a loom right now. I will be living in Boston through the summer and am looking for a place to weave that is T-accessible. Any of you out there live in the area? Know of a place to weave, or know someone with a studio or production line who could maybe use some free help? The latter situation would be ideal, as I don't have much spare money to rent a space. 

I'm looking into potential apprenticeships as well, and am willing to relocate once my lease is up. I would love to continue to learn as much as I can from weavers of different backgrounds. I am very interested in learning more about production weaving. If anyone out there has any leads, I would be so happy to hear of them. The main restricting factor I have with an apprenticeship and location is that I cannot drive, so I'm mainly looking in either very small towns that are easy to navigate, or metropolitan areas. 

Thanks so much for any help!




SallyE (not verified)

You might want to look into the apprenticeship program at Vavstuga:



Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Boston has one of the largest and oldest weaving guilds in the USA. Their website is easily found by searching. You could go to a meeting and ask them. I think they have looms for rent and they have a large library.


thank you, I am definitely going to be looking into this program. 

SallyE (not verified)

I don't think the Weavers Guild of Boston has looms to rent anymore.   We lost some of our space and so didn't have a place to store them, and over the past few years we sold them all off.