Our guild (Spinners weavers and dyers have issued a challenge. They have given each member 50g of (clean)white wool - uncarded and said "Do what you like with it!" We are allowed to add up to 20 g of wool of another source. It seems to me that it isn't a lot of wool to weave but has anyone any suggestions? MAny Thanks Paul



That's enough for a small bag -- for holding a cell phone, passport, change.  I made my husband a little bag to keep his keys from punching through his pockets.  Our guild did a project with 2 oz.  Spin it fine, and then make a small  loom from a picture frame & nails, a rigid heddle loom without the rigid heddle, or tie onto an existing warp.  Use it for warp & weft.  Or, even better, using pins & a pillow, diagonal plait it without a loom!

You also might be able to do a necktie, a belt, a lanyard.  If knitting is allowed, you can always do a headband.

mrdubyah (not verified)

That's probably enough to make a lovely guitar strap.  Spin fine yarn, dye some of it with koolaid or other dye, and weave it up on an inkle loom.


Thanks for these suggestions. I'm going to leave it to see what comes to mind now I've got something to work on. Will let people know how it goes.Paul