I thought I would start an Advice topic.

There is already a lot of good advice in this group, but I thought it might help us all to have a general advice topic. Please do feel free to still ask for specific advice, but I had several thoughts today that I wanted to share and this seemed the most approprirate way to do it.

I think thos of us still owrking would love for some folks here who have passed to share their thoughts and advice here.


Erica J

We all now a major part of doing these certificates is to build the habit of good note keeping.

As I sit and prepare drafts for my weft faced samples, I am wishing I had kept with my plan to prepare the paperwork as the samples came off the loom.

I did take several measures to try to keep things together, but I am sitting here with most of my weft faced samples in my portfolio and still things are missing! 

This is not a total disaster, but I am again vowing to do my drafts and put together all my notes as things come off the loom, the longer things sit the more time gnomes have to move things around!


I've been keeping notes, but not on the official forms. I do put the sample into a numbered folder.. so there's that.

Erica J

Everyone says it, think about what you really want to get out of your time spent on your certificate studies. 

Now that I am nearing the end of mine it is only now that I have begun to appreciate how like University studies this has been. If I pass and gain my Certificate of Achievement, this will communicate something to others, but like a University degree it only says a bit to other people and the real value is in what I learned.

When I started the studies, I had a goal of some day becoming a production weaver. The last few months I have been able to follow somewhat of a production weaver schedule. It is really opening my eyes to what the change to this lifestyle would mean.

So my certificate studies have not only widened my repretoire of weave structures and knowledge of color, but it has also provided me with the information I need to further plan for this change.

I had intended to sue the certificate to become more of an artistic weaver. I have done that a bit, but I still have a way to go on this part of my journey. :)


Here's a tidbit -- look over the samples you're weaving and see if you can combine some on one warp, perhaps with a little rethreading or resleying, or even with some creative tying on.