Interesting loom I've come across, am cleaning up for a local school, who found it under their stage.


The plate says "Aarol Young, Maker, Galashiels".

I found a site somewhere, I forget where with pictures of some Aarol Young dobby looms that had somehow ended up in America. The dobby head looked like it had been taken from a power loom, and the race was very solidyl built and rationally engineered.


I expect this loom here is missing some hook wires that go down through those steel rods, to be pushed forward for hooking onto the metal bar in the handle. Almost like an upside down dobby, where each lift is selected by hand. Very strange loom anyway.


Anyway, that's another loom maker to add to my list of Galashiels Loom Makers. The other two being Thomas Kennedy and George Hislop (of whose looms I have found no trace)