Are any of your readers’ contemporary weavers and novelty yarn spinners? I am wanting a 4 or 5 dpi reed and to order some inserted eye heddles. Where do I get 4 or 5 dpi and large inserted eye heddles? What is the diameter opening of the inserted eye heddles? Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thanks… Clotine


mrdubyah (not verified)

You can get any size reed you'd like from Gowdey Reed at and they also sell inserted eye heddles in a range of sizes.  Novelty yarn is more often used for weft then for warp as it can be quite difficult to get the slubs through the reed and heddles. 


Depending on where you are located: If in Canada you can get reeds and heddles from Camilla Valley Farms, they are Leclerc reeds and heddles. And in the US some of the loom retailers have reeds. I tend to favor forum members and supporters when making purchases.