I 'inherited' a number of cones of what iI think is very elderly 3/2 perle cotton (used the McMorran scale and known 3/2 comparison sample). I weighed all the cones and have enough to make a warp rep rug set at either 30 or 40 epi, which is the sett recommended for 3/2 in the only 2 warp rep projects i could find in Handwoven. When i tried winding an inch, i could barely cram 30 wraps into the sett tool and even then they wanted to overlap. Has anyone tried 3/2 for warp rep and what set did you use? I would really like to get this yarn used up - I need the space!


jj50 (not verified)

I have used 3/2 for rep sett at 30 and 32 epi. I sett it at 30 when I used my jack loom and 32 for my CM loom. I thought 32 looked better. I thread 2 threads per heddle and 4 per dent in an 8 dent reed.

Jeannie (not verified)

Thanks, JJ. I'm going to be doing this on my CM loom. I did find a post by Rosalie Nielsen suggesting that if you wind to 1-1/2 inches but consider it to be 1 inch, that number would give you the proper EPI. I tried that and it does work out nicely at 32epi. I'm going to go with that.