

I'm experimenting with krokbragd on my Ashford rigid heddle and am losing my warp threads - they keep breaking.  I was using 8/2 non mercerized cotton.  Would something else be stronger?  You have to beat it pretty hard with a tapestry beater to get the effect but it's hard on the warp threads.

Joanne Hall

Did you use a temple?  When I wove krokbragd on the Emilia rigid heddle, using the 12 dent heddle, I only beat with the heddle.  I didn't have to use a beater.  But, I used a temple, there was no draw-in and there were no broken warp threads.  Did you angle the weft enough?



No I didn't, I don't have one but would like to get one.

Joanne Hall

I recommend the wooden ones.  Check with The Woolery, Yarn Barn or Halcyon.



did krokbragd on my Flip I also just used the heddle to beat in the weft and had no issues in getting a tight weft and no broken threads. I did use a mercerized cotton for the warp. I did not use a temple but my project was only 5 inches wide so. . .


I'm a new weaver, and this is my first post here.  I'm attempting to learn Krokbragd on my Flip.  My resource is Jane Patrick's book, "The Weaver's Idea Book," but I am just not getting it.  I've come up with all kinds of things, but none of them are Krokbragd!  Can anyone point me toward another resource to learn this weave for rigid heddle?  Thanks.

Joanne Hall

It is in Betty Davenport's first book, Hands On Rigid Heddle Weaving.



Hi, Joanne,

Thanks, but I just went through my copy of Hands On RHW (twice) and simply cannot find any reference to Krok.  Where is it in the book?  Am I just skimming right past it?

What's really frustrating me is that I had the opportunity to take a class, at the Middle Tennessee Fiber Festival recently, called "Krokbragd on the Rigid Heddle," and didn't sign up.  Can't seem to find a way to contact the instructor, either (Melissa Goodwin), to see about a future class.  Sheez.


the Jane Patrick book for Krokbragd - I do vaguely remember it being in the Davenport book - good luck

Joanne Hall

I gave away my last copy, but I remember that it was in the back of the book.


Erica J

I've discovered in my own weft faced studies that beating in firmlay, rather than hard is better. I suggest using the beater adn squeezing firmly. Collingwood says to use your boyd weight rather than ramming the weft in.

As for Krorkbragd, I assume you are using 2 heddles to achieve the 3 shafts necessary. If memory serves you need a 3 shaft point threading and then it is a matter of keep I mg the color rotatiin staright. I think I have the issue of Handwoven that discusses this on the njght stand. I'll double check it and post any additional advice, tomorrow morning.

Erica J

I double checked an article on Krokbragd. As with any bound weave, the color order is key. You need 3 colors, you always change the shrds in the same order, leave shaft 1 down, leave shaft 2 down, leave shaft 3 down.

you use the weft colors in this order,

1, 1, 2

1, 2, 3 (repeat this for as long as you want the middle bit to be)

1, 1, 2

I hope that cleqrs things up!