We are refurbishing our Guild's loom that is dedicated for our State Fair use. This is a  4S6T Gilmore Loom with the side brake built originally between 1957-1959.  We are looking to find a copy of the original assembly and instruction booklet that came with the loom.  Does anyone know where we could find this?  I  have seen posts now and then of someone who has a collection of instructions for various looms, but have been unable to bring any of those posts up on my search to get her name.   I have contacted the Gilmore company and have not yet gotten a response.




In my experience, the Gilmore company is really good about customer service and has nearly everything one can think of that relates to their looms. If you've emailed them and haven't gotten a response yet, try calling them. ...not sure you'll get an assembly manual, though, since their looms were pre-assembled...

mrdubyah (not verified)

Is there a problem with the loom or are you just having difficulty assembling it?  I own a similar Gilmore that I recently refurbished.  I don't have an instruction manual, but may be able to help with photos or advice if you have a specific question or problem.  What seems to be the trouble?    DRW  

Highland Weaver

Trying to figure out the brake system, and how the two seperate ratchets are placed.  And is there an extra spring that belongs there too?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I purchased the Loom used and have refurbished it... All but the brake.

You can email me at [email protected]

D-Stitchins Studio

We don't have a problem with the loom,  we just thought it would be good idea to have a copy of the original Manual on site for anyone who had questions when using the loom.  We house the loom permanently in our State Fair booth and throughout the Fair each year we have 36 different people operating it.  A manual would be a good addition.  As the Fair was over on Monday, we now have it totally disassembled and ready to refinish.  We took lots of pictures before taking it apart.  It does have a few parts that need help (broken or mishandled), but nothing is missing and my DH is a marvelous woodworker and machinist, so anything  needing replacement will be easy for him to produce.  This is not his first loom rebuild! 

Thanks to both DRW and Michael for your info... we may just call on you yet.


mrdubyah (not verified)

You're welcome.  Also, for the record, the folks at Gilmore are very friendly and helpful and love to hear about where and how their looms are being used.  Mine was missing two of it's 4 frames so they made up two new ones and shipped them out to me lickety split, heddles and all!  They were also able, using the serial number, to tell me when the loom was made and who bought it from them originally (Rhode Island College).  They are easily reached by phone.