
Alison (not verified)

This is some project!  And quite a loom!

Thanks for sharing it with us.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This is actually two rugs, each about 45in wide, being woven side by side.  One is primarily blue, with some burgundy and black.  The other is primarily (sage?)green with brown and tan, and a smidgen of  red  The rugs are not yet finished, but they are about halfway to their 6ft-plus length

20090727 - SInce the most recent photos, I've advanced the warp and reached the half way point on the green rug.  Blue rug still has a few inches to go.  Blue rug will have  monochromatic blues in the middle, which has just been started.  The Burgundy and black will also be done on the other side of the blue block.  The Green rug has 6 monochromatic brown stripes that mark the middle of the piece, and I am starting to go back to the mixed green/yellow/brown colors.  All 6 brown strips are not shown in this picture, because I've decided I will only try to share pictures I take just before I advance the warp... (To avoid too many pics).

20100110 - This project has been on hold through the last few months of 2009, due to other projects, but I am now past the halfway point on both rugs...

20100914 - This project has been on hold again since the spring, due to a hooked rug I've been working on...

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
On hold
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit