
sally orgren

Wow, Alison!

So was this sample woven in NYC? 
Where's the next one— have you started beaming the silk yet?


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Learning lots with this little project.  It is the first item on my new little loom.  Thus far, it is working like a champ!  I'm getting used to the warp beam tension - finding it a bit touchy.  But the tension is much better than on my other small loom.

This is my first real foray into a slippery fiber.  I found I had to be very careful with the warping wheel - threads tried to escape from the clip.  Okay, to be truthful, once they did escape!

The plies of the bambu also want to split and that was fun during threading.  I used the tape method rather than a cross and it worked pretty well.

It also gave me a preview of how dense the silk is going to be.  I have four unused treadles in this pattern and I will use them to re-jig the pattern, spreading out the plain weave.

I also figured out how to treadle the threading.  It saved me loads of time and I'm very proud of myself.  Shouldn't be, it is very easy and it didn't take me that long to figure out.

The loom was packed up and shipped and is now home (as it looks as though that is where I'll have the most opportunity to use it for a while.  I'll be unpacking it soon and seeing how the warp fared the trip.

Got the loom back together and finished weaving.  I am not going to make a sash out of this after all, as I have go get on with the next sample - same pattern in the 120/2 silk.

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit