
Ellen (not verified)

I love both the design and the colours. Only feel envoius of your 24 shafts:-)  I only have 10, and wish I could weave stuff as lovely as this.

AneJe (not verified)

Thank you Ellen !  I´m so glad that you liked my tablerunner.  I´ve got an AVL loom with 24 shafts,  and I  had to create something with all the shafts just of curiousity.  But,  the result don´t necessarily have to be  successful with so many shafts. It can turn out too overloaded with effects. But, I´m quite satisfied with this pattern though.  Still I got some other problems with this project.  Since the warp and weft are in different  types of yarns, cottolin and linen,  I experienced a difference in the shades of colours, the blue tones.  It was difficult to get a "clean"  look.  The linen-yarn had a more brighter colour than the cottolin which looked greyish by contrast.....  Always something to ponder about :)

aubeweave (not verified)

Really love your tablerunner AneJe. I see you are a craftswoman. Trying out colours, tones and shades. How did you get your AVL. Curious about the 24 shafts....

AneJe (not verified)


Sorry for my late reply but I haven´t seen this post earlier.  Are you norwegian ?  Kan jeg skrive på norsk?  Hvor bor du? Yes,  I have tried to live of my weaving but this is very difficilt.  I´ve had many challenges along the way!  In the beginning of the -90 I decided to invest in an AVL loom  which I purchased from Macclesfield in England.  It´s a long story this.  It is very functional in many aspects,  and sometimes not.  At the moment I´ve plans about constructing a drawloom which I haven´t  any knowledge about.  Maybe I can get some advice from you :)

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit