Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I finally completed a piece I don't mind showing to someone else. 

The first was just a small white band.  The second warp face was on an inkle and I wasn't happy with the final results. 

These were actually done on a backstrap I built myself.  I finally got it warped up.  I have never used a warping board before.  I always direct warp onto my tapestry loom.  I find warping the backstrap tedious and aggravating.  But I persevered and eventually I even got something of a rythm going and got 2 decent little strips out of the warp.

I then warped up my tapestry loom with a rotateable, continuous warp.  I even got a cross by strapping on extra dowels to the frame.  Waste of time.  In the end I just took off the spring on top (used for keeping warp spaced), and slid the warp threads close together and used my pre-made heddles and a shed sword.  Nice open decent sized sheds and alot easier on this old ladies body.  I took a bad fall off the top of a dump truck a few years back and find using the backstrap toooooo painful.  I probably won't be able to do horizontal stripe warping on the tapestry loom, but I can warp it up and do things like supplementary weft and straps for the tapestry handbags I so love to make.  Eventually I might even figure out a way to do the horizontal stripes.  Maybe warp onto sticks and then strap them onto the frame like the Navajo do.  Anyway, just thought I would share my learning expeirence.  It was a long learning curve.  LOL

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit