Hi all,

I have set this group up for the participants in the Predictable Colors class.  I am passing the gauntlet to all of you to keep it going.

Have fun dyeing!  Feel free to post your dye projects on Weavolution in your projects folder.  Not all projects must be woven, we look forward to watching the process as you work to create predictable colors using the dyes.



Karren K. Brito

Thanks Claudia!

This is where most of our class discussion will take place.

pjdoney (not verified)

So once the class gets under way, we do not write to the section that has all the conversation about scales and dyes?  Everything came today except the wash bottle (that sure looks like a fun toy with which to squirt my son-in-love!).  I have a total of approximately 130 skeins at this time.  I'm off to spin boucle!

Karren K. Brito

Yes, once the class starts we need a place to have a conversation without 40 people who are not in the class asking questions too. I need to stay focused on you all. I  encourage you all to share photos, observations whatever  in the public site and projects but I think this is best for us.

pjdoney (not verified)

Gotcha.  Thanks for clarifying, Karren.

SharonR (not verified)

I have received 4 emails regarding the meeting invitation for Thursday. They all have different meeting numbers. Does it matter or should I just pick one?

Karren K. Brito

I got 8 invitations, but on close inspection the 4 for 10 AM are for 4 different dates and the 4 for 9PM class are for 4 different dates in March.  Better keep the meeting numbers.

SharonR (not verified)

I see that now on my invitations. Thank you for the clarification.

pjdoney (not verified)

Claudia said that because our class was so long, that she was going to send four week's worth of invitations at a time.  We just click on the specific day invite.