I am trying to do a project on my rigid heddle as my other looms are being used.  My project requires a 15 sett and I do have heddles that are 8,10,and 12..  How do I achieve the 

15 sett with two heddles....or can I only do 16,20 and 32.  This is my first project using two heddles so I am just learning...thank you for any help.


Claudia Segal (not verified)

You have a few choices.  In Betty Davenport's book, Hands On Rigid Heddle Weaving,she has a diagram showing how to thread two ends in each hole and slot of one heddle to increase the sett.  You could use your 8 dent heddle and just double everything.  Or, if you want to use 2 heddles, you should use the 12 because you get 150% when you thread through 2 heddles.  There are several diagrams for doing this in the Rigid heddlers group in a past WAL.  You can find those here.  

If you just scroll through this group, you will see several topics beginning with sett and two heddles in the title of the post.  Those are all good posts to page through and read.

Hope that helps.  Please feel free to ask more questions and post pictures.  What yarn are you using?
