
claudia (not verified)

I would love to see the YouTube video clip. Can you post the link for us?

Thank you for all the wonderful photos detailing the process. We were "new" in our development of Weavolution when you posted your photos, so they do not enlarge. I hate to ask you to repost but if you get a few minutes, newer postings enlarge so people can see the detail in your work.

Claudia, cofounder Weavolution

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

My own variations in 16-shaft twill, woven as classic 'clo mor' (Harris tweed type) for a waulking demonstration & to be made up into jackets,  vests,  hats & the coat pictured here. If you google 'Waulking' there are about 60 u-tube clips that come up & one of them is a short clip of the waulking in the above photo- (under Great Basin Fiber Fest). When I sing at waulkings, I do the original Gaelic version of all the verses followed by English translations & whoever fimed it caught the 2nd (English) half of the song, which is kind of dissapointing but I was thrilled to stumble across it anyway... I didn't even know it was being filmed!)

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit