Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This is the third in what seems to be my Summertime Band Series.  It's not too much of an exaggeration to say I wound this warp for our elderly cat (he may be deaf and nearly toothless, but he sure does like to weave!) -- but I also wound it for me.  I loved the colourplay in my previous summertime band, and I followed the same general colour arrangement in this warp -- but with wildly mixed yarns.

The Navy and Chartreuse-yellow are thick(ish) knitting cottons.  The sparkly Fuschia at the borders and accenting the central stripe is a glittery blend of (I think) rayon and lurex, not super-fine, but not thick, either.  The Teal yarn is a shiny gossamer-y ribbon yarn sold for knitting.  It's odd stuff, this ribbon:  solid (and fine) at its edges, with what are basically fibres spanning the distance between those two selvedge structures.  In use, it tends to fold its edges together, creating a loopy, softly textured effect.

In warping, I used a technique I'd heard people talking about, but had never tried:  warping by pulling loops through the heddle and stacking them on a post placed a distance away from the loom.  It worked beautifully!  Granted, all my fussy little stripes slowed the warp-winding process considerably; but beaming-on was amazingly easy to control, and threading was an absolute breeze!

The first few picks of weaving made me a little nervous, because these wildly varied yarns all respond differently to being woven.  The knitting cottons are cushy.  The 10/2 cotton, created for weaving, is firm and steady, as one might expect.  But the ribbon...!  It stretches, folds itself, sags, and buckles... and I was worried that I'd just put a nightmare warp on the loom.

But a few picks later, all was well.  The ribbon figured out what it wanted to do (and I like what it's doing very much!), so the cat and I are weaving along happily.

The next big test will come in the wet-finishing!

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit