

if your closing pushes up on you, put in lease stick behind your heddles and capture your cross.  leave your warp threads in the reed and heddles and cut and knot in front and back.  take the warp behind your heddles where you have captured your cross, wind it back to take out the slack and lash it to the back beam.  AFTER the great move....tie on your warp to the dummy warp you left on your loom and continue to weave!  Congrats on the'll weave soon!


Yes, this message was meant for you, just some info on how to secure your warp on the loom before you dismantle it for moving!  Hopefully you will not need it.

jemwork (not verified)

Love this - look forward to seeing it off the loom. Alpaca is so warm - I wonder if the skipped areas will help make it less so.

Threshkin (not verified)

I pushed through the rest of the weaving today and got the finished scarves off the loom and the fringes all tied.  All that is left is wet finishing and trimming off loose ends.  I will post photos tomorrow.

Time to disassemble the loom for moving.


I've used this method for quite a few years. My first project was a shawl with an acrylic mohair, a few years ago I used wool that felts and made scarves. The scarves are wonderfully insulating.It's a fun technique. They are for sale on Artfire.

Hand woven felted Wool Scarves for Winter available in three colors


I've been day dreaming about doing something like this, I'm glad to know now that it is called "skip dent". Thanks!

I am wondering if there are problems with the weft migrating during wear? Are there tricks for counteracting that?

Have a good day!

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Decided to play around with some Alpaca before packing the last loom up to move.  The yarn came in at 16 WPI so I thought that 12 EPI should give me pretty dense plain weave sections to balance the open section in the skip-dent threading.  Boy was I wrong!  I have to be very careful to beat lightly or I end up with a completely weft faced fabric.  Once I got the hang of beating lightly the fabric is weaving up very quickly.  This is a good thing because I have to finish by next weekend!  2 and 1/2 shawls are done, supposedly I only have 1/2 more but there is a lot more warp on the back beam than I anticipated.  Take up has been minimal.  I may wind up having to weave a fourth shawl, maybe a short one.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit