Hi all,

As there are quite a few of us going to Convergence, I thought it might be nice to post photos of ourselves so that people can recognize each other!

Here's mine:

Or, just look for a short Asian woman with very long black hair...


sally orgren

Or, if you are shy about posting your photo, just print out your avatar and affix that to your nametag.

(One way or another, see you soon!)

jemwork (not verified)

tien's avatar is her face!let's see what I can find here that looks like me...

coming in Monday - late

Joan in Jamestown

tommye scanlin

I'll be arriving on Friday, the 23rd... day passes for vendors & exhibits are in my plans.  Most of my time will be spent with American Tapestry Alliance events, including the one below that's open to all: 

Tapestry Networking: An Enchanted Evening

Interested in tapestry weaving? Join this American Tapestry Alliance sponsored gathering to meet new, and old, friends and colleagues. Learn about regional tapestry groups, enjoy a slide show of tapestries, peruse our publications, and best of all, talk tapestry! Saturday, July 24, 2010; 5:00 - 7:00pm. Albuquerque Convention Center, room to be announced. There is no charge for this event and reservations are not necessary. Please join us and feel free to bring anyone interested in tapestry.

Come by and meet me and others who are passionate about tapestry weaving!    Room is to be announced... as the notice says.

Tommye Scanlin

feltedbag (not verified)

I'll be shopping in the vendor hall on Saturday for sure.

sally orgren

We'll look for the lady with all the shopping bags... ; - )

Interlacements (not verified)

Joan, dear, I don't know if we're supposed to be looking for a jade pendant or a particular ...ahem...chest size.  Enjoy the conference!! (sigh.  Not going this year myself)


I've printed the Weavolution logo & will be placing it with my nametag.

jemwork (not verified)

Please don't be envious - I inherited both!

I may have the pendent on as well...

illoominated (not verified)

All of you coming to Albuquerque, be ready for hot, dry days...it's been close to 100º for a week, and we haven't had rain for months...or has it been years?  I think the humidity was 5% the other day.  Anyway, bring your sunscreen and moisturizer, drink LOTS of water, carry something to keep you warm in all the air conditioning, and have a great time.  

Group Audience