I was hoping that all of you here would post pics of what you are designing to work on (hand drawn, draft, whatever), working on, finishing etc......

I think it would be great to see what everybody is doing.

Below is the shawl/table runner I finished on Monday, the two chenille scarves and my rep weave in progress.......

Weaving daily is great!



all of the projects Cheryl - really like the orange and white shawl / table runner!    Tina


I'm hoping to see other's pics here as well.



sample I did for my towels - the real weaving begins this evening


I haven't done towels yet.  It is on my list to do.

Thank you for sharing......


Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I get so inspired by the pictures.  Cheryl and Tina those are better than I imagined.  Here is my first weaving project ever with my loopy edges.  I am actually happy with how they turned out.  Things really do "come out in the wash.  I am finished sleying my reed for project # 2 and will be threading today.


great Mindy - my first project wasn't nearly so ambitious! I love how wet finishing makes many boo boos disappear!


you are posting your projects on the my projects pages and tag them with Halloweave 2012 - that way you are in the running for prizes!          Tina


You have a lot more gumption than I did for my first project! 

Tina, there's prizes here?  I thought this was just a fun for camaraderie  type thing.  I really don't have too much contact with other weavers in my area and this venue for commiserating is great!


I'm afraid I have joined two teams, seeing that this and the Daily Spiders both have the same purpose. I hope that's not against any rules? Maybe the two groups should merge?

I plan to finish the towels on my loom this week, and start a new project immediately afterwards, though I haven't decided what I am to weave next. 

Anyway, here's a picture of a towel I'm making for my brother.


at all - in fact I am in two or three of the groups. We are a little more borad in our definition over here and count anything weaverly including spinning the yarn! But it doesn't really matter! Yes, Cheryl, there are prizes for the finished projects! Woohoo! I think Erica lists them on the main Halloweave 2012 posting. Everyone is doing so good on their projects. I spent nearly 5 and a half hours weaving so far today. Of course I was in class so. . . Learning how to use linen and finer cotton than I've used before. I'll take the camera tomorrow and get some pictures.


at all - in fact I am in two or three of the groups. We are a little more borad in our definition over here and count anything weaverly including spinning the yarn! But it doesn't really matter! Yes, Cheryl, there are prizes for the finished projects! Woohoo! I think Erica lists them on the main Halloweave 2012 posting. Everyone is doing so good on their projects. I spent nearly 5 and a half hours weaving so far today. Of course I was in class so. . . Learning how to use linen and finer cotton than I've used before. I'll take the camera tomorrow and get some pictures.


Very very nice towel......Your brother will be very happy I am sure.  Maybe one of these days I'll try towels.

Tina, that's what happens when I don't finish reading the whole thing.  I just got sooooo excited!


Mindy Stowers (not verified)

Ha Ha, I had no gumption when it came to my first project.  It was more, let me see... that looks good.  3 yards? why would you not just do 7 and avoid that whole warping thing again?  The video I watched only showed how to do a hundred and some threads.  It talked about THE choke.  I though there would only be ONE choke EVER.  I tried to pack 540 threads on the warping board. Twice. (yep, messed up 2 warps before I heard, " be sure to read the additional materials included with this video"  ah, the joys of self taught skills. You are very kind.


Fantastic pictures so far! Everyone is doing such great work! I'm weaving herringbone fabric. I finished the shawl and have moved onto fabric for hoods, one for each member of the family!

Here is the shawl on the loom





I'll have to load some pictures later of this towel experiment. Just got the reed I needed today so off I am to sley 640 ends. :)


and fabric are looking good Erica - weave away!


ReedGuy the towels I just finished had 776 ends - so good luck - I empathize with you!


That is very pretty. What do you mean hoods? Do you sew hoods onto the shawls?


Yeah, mine are going to be 32 epi (I hope), and 20" in the reed. ;)


You folks are all doing very well with your projects by the way. Nice work. :)


Yeah, I got the new reed threaded tonight and the harnasses adjusted for height. Tomorrow I need to tie onto the rod on front and then tie up the treadles.  Photos will follow as I begin the weave. :)


Cheryl, Oliver and I also participate in a Medieval Re-enactment group. We make the costumes we wear for our events. I am weaving coordinating fabric that I will make into hoods for Oliver, TJ, and me! They are based on hoods that were found in the Skoldhiem harbour.


That sounds like a lot of fun!  We have a Renaissance Festival every weekend starting August through September.


I have not seen the beginnings of all your weavings except Tina's. I notice one step missed on your tie on process. When one ties the ends onto the bar you have an unevenness because some ends go under the bar and some over, so there is a gap. To eliminate this, tie on a piece of Texsolv or fishyarn on one end of the tie on rod and weave it over and under the opposing streads. I use a lease stick with holes on the ends for a tie on rod. Actually looks like a lease stick when done. Then tighten the string and pack the yarn toward the tie on rod and secure the other end to the tie on rod. This when help when you first begin the weave and reduce tangles to and the first few picks won't be dangly.

I will have photos later.  :)


you addressing on the tie up issue ReedGuy? I have no tension issues with the way I tie on, in fact the way I tie on allows me great freedom in adjusting my tension - did I miss something somewhere on tenion issues? Your method sounds interesting and I look forward to the pictures.


Threading the new reed here. I made a reed hook here with some card stock. The reed is 16 dents, threaded 32 epi.

Back of the warp with lease stick tied on.

Ahead of the tie on bar (last photo) is a piece of Texsolv woven in, to make the warp threads even before weaving. It will look like a cross there between the cord and the bar/rod. It may not be an issue with round steel rod, but can be with flat tie on bars. This procedure was noted in the "Big Book of Weaving".

The first stripe of blue weft is woven here with 8 weft yarns wide. This is an experiment for me, so we'll see how is goes. :)

Sorry for the confusion in the previous post.


I wove the first block in the length which is 3.75 inches I beleive. I am noticing right away, that the sett of this yarn should be narrower ( 24 epi) for the squares I drafted. But nothing wrong with rectangles. :) My next towel section coming up I'm going to make them square by reducing weft shots in those color blocks. Now that I think about it, it is what I originally wanted to do as far as epi vs wpi. ;)

Enjoy your weaving. I'm too tired for more this evening and travelling tomorrow, so time to call it a day.


Got through the first towel. I'll adjust the wefts to make the next color changes more square. :) With two colors for weft, I've started to use floats and carry the alternating color along the selvege. Since I don't have a short temple, I'm also beating with the shed open.



towel ReedGuy - Remember that once the tension is off the rectangles will become more square - you don't want to err on the other extremem and end up with squat rectangles instead!  :)


Yes, and the dilemna with lack of experience with this yarn. LOL :)

I may just leave as is. I'm hoping for 3 more towels on this warp. I wanted some yellow for one of the towels, but when I got to the local Walmart they were out. I had some in my hand when I was in Bangor yesterday, same brand and weight. Oh well, I'll make one or two with some red weft next I guess. And another green.


I really like the towels and the size of the rectangle/squares.  It's kind of funny how critical we are of our own work when others like it the way it is.


Yeah, they are fine but you know how it is if it's not what you intend. :) There is a bit of a color effect there to, since there are floats involved. What looks like a longer rectangle in sections actually has 6 blue weft threads along the bottom, so on the reverse they show. Almost like flipping end for end when you look at the other side.

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

Love, love those towels!


Here is a red one. I have one more towel to weave to finish out this warp.


of my skirt fabric.  Hope to get it done today.


It's looking very nice Cheryl. Is it a wool? And if so, how fine is the yarn? :)

I need to get some 2-ply wool for my doubleweave project next (queen size blanket). I finished my towels.

Have a good weave. :)


The warp is 3 ply - 30 WPI - color graphite and the weft is 20/2 Jagger spun - walnut (I doubled this yarn and happy I did)


Thanks. I'm keeping my eyes open for some real fine merino 30/2 for a shirt. But first I will be weaving coat fabric. I'm a few weeks from beginning those projects though. :)

cacolorado (not verified)

Very nice towel warp.  I like your color combo in the red one especially.

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

your planning really paid off!


Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I am blown away by the Picasso!  I can't imagine.  It is incredible to me.  It really is a beautiful interpretation.