First chenille project. I beamed 5 yds of 1450 ypp cotton chenille. Weaving width is currently 9". Threading is plain weave over 4 shafts. Sett is currently 18, sleyed 1,2 in a 12 dent reed. For the first scarf, the weft is the same as warp. For the second, I planned to use the chenille with occasional picks of 5/2 tencel (JOY Aziza). Problem is, the warp is sticking badly in front of the insertion point for my weft, creating loops at the selvedge.
I can re-sley 1-by-1 in a 16 dent reed, but that's the finest I've got. I could also re-thread over 8 shafts. Would that help? Sizing the warp would be an unpaletable option. Humidifier?
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