
Vicki Allen (not verified)

With help like that I know your project will be beautiful!

Vicki Allen

Claudia Segal (not verified)

And here I thought it was help from your friends at Weavolution.

Looking forward to seeing the finished towels.  Will your kitty friends help model?


Ellen (not verified)

What a pity. It looked so promising. Better luck next time!

ruthmacgregor (not verified)

And you had such excellent warping assistants!  Oh, those cats....  I hope you'll revisit this mystery fabric after your move -- it really did look wonderful, and I imagine it would be very satisfying to weave (minus the tension problems, of course).


fairhavenweaver (not verified)

I love the weave structure; really too bad about the warp issues. You'd think your weaving assistants would have come to your rescue. But, alas, they behave just like mine!

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
Well... this project is officially dead. I began to have some serious tension issues (outer threads were drum tight, but the inner section was loose, loose, loose...) and decided to cut off the current project and re-wind the warp using a different warp separator. That was a BAD idea. Perhaps I did things out of order, but my warp became irreparably tangled in this process. Perhaps if someone else had been home to help me keep it from getting like that, but... yeah. 10 feet of warp ends, in the trash. On the other hand, it's not all bad- I'm moving in two weeks or so, and I was getting stressed thinking about moving my loom with a warp on it. As for the piece of cloth I cut off? I may post it here after I've wet finished it, but it doesn't look promising right now.
Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit